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white paper
White Paper

Reducing Disability Bias with Chat-based Interviews

"The use of an online, untimed, chat-based intervi..."

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white paper
White Paper

Why Candidates Love Feedback From AI

"When candidates receive personalized feedback from AI, it is perceived as a valu..."

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white paper
White Paper

Gender Bias Research

"First research into the effects of AI on recruitment finds it overwhelmingly red..."

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white paper
White Paper

Understanding Responsible AI in Recruitment

"HR leaders must be equipped to evaluate AI tools critically. Especially, with th..."

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white paper
White Paper

Does Artificial Intelligence Help or Hurt Gender Diversity?

"The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in recruitment is rapidly increasing and..."

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white paper
White Paper

HR for the World of Tomorrow

"The world of work is changing rapidly and it is time to accept that employees wa..."

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white paper
White Paper

FAIR Framework

"This paper offers a guiding framework Fair Ai for Recruitment (FAIR) centred on ..."

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white paper
White Paper

Explainable Personality Prediction Using Answers to Open-Ended Interview Questions

"In this work, we demonstrate how textual content from answers to interview quest..."

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white paper
White Paper

Mitigating gender bias in structured interview responses

"This scientific paper details a new experiment on the structured interview, and ..."

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white paper
White Paper

Bias-free predictive selection

"Removing bias from important people decisions is both a legal expectation and, m..."

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white paper
White Paper

Towards establishing fairness in Ai-based candidate screening

"As Ai tools become more common, people are concerned that algorithmic biases can..."

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white paper
White Paper

Predicting job-hopping likelihood using answers to open-ended interview questions

"In this whitepaper, we show that the language a person uses when responding to i..."

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white paper
White Paper

How to ensure a human approach to automation

"In this research paper, you’ll learn about how to shift from employer-driven t..."

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