Airline hiring

Hire at 40,000 feet

When it comes to the airline industry, first-class customer service is critical. Whether it’s attendants, service agents, or ground staff, you need people you can rely on – more than cost, they’re ultimately what makes people decide to fly with you.

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Hire top airline candidates through soft skill matching

Flying is tiring and stressful – it requires your staff to be resilient, hard-working, and solution-focussed.

We can help you find the people best suited to giving your passengers the best experience, like:

 Team player
See how we do it

The best talent, everywhere your passengers go

Fill roles fast, and ensure quality

Determine the types of traits and people you’re looking for, and we create a structured interview with the questions needed to get that talent. You simply post a link to it in your job ad. Done!

Our AI Smart Interviewer then analyzes the responses and ranks the right people for you.

How it works

Give your hiring managers a curated shortlist

  1. interviews, screens, and ranks every single applicant for you over chat.
  2. All candidates receive personalized insights about themselves.
  3. The top applicants automatically progress to a non-AI video interview.
  4. You review the shortlisted interviews and skills profiles, offer, and hire!

Keep your people longer

Cut non-regrettable employee churn by 50%

Team members you hire with stay longer – for one of our retail customers we cut non-regrettable churn by more than 50%.
Why does this happen? Because we focus on skills and behaviors. When you know what makes someone tick, and you match them to the best role for their personality, they will be happier, more productive, and they will stay.

Never ghost a candidate again

Offer an experience more than 90% of candidates love

Every candidate that meets our AI Smart Interviewer automatically receives positive insights and tips that help them in their career journey. More than 90% of our 2 million candidates loved the insights they received.

Proven success in airline recruitment

We’ve helped Qantas, Australia’s premier airline, completely transform its hiring.

Thanks to’s smart hiring automation suite, 93% of the candidates who apply for a job with Qantas get through to selection. 98% of the thousands of people interviewed say they found their post-interview feedback helpful and accurate.

Qantas isn’t alone – we also work with Lynx Air, Jetstar, and other major providers in the airline industry.

See how Qantas does it


Which tech is best for you?

There are a lot of hiring technologies out there. You’ve got your video interview platforms (HireVue), your conversational AIs (Paradox), your assessment tools (Vervoe), and more. They’re great at what they do.

We are the only provider that solves for scheduling, screening, interviewing and assessing with one AI tool. We have inbuilt video interviewing, sure, but text chat interviewing is our power. It’s much more than a conversational AI – it’s smart hiring automation that delivers our customers unbeatable speed and incredible hire quality.

See the power of AI smart interviewing

Designed for large businesses

No-fuss integrations with the leading ATS providers

Our products fit seamlessly into your HR tech stack. We have no-fuss integrations with the leading ATS providers, and we can build custom integrations, too. After just days, you’ll see the cost and time savings – and the bigger your team, the bigger the savings.

Find out more