
Ai Recruitment Tools: Conversational ai recruiting is a game changer

To find out how to use Recruitment Automation to hire faster, reduce bias and save, we also have a great retail industry eBook on Ai in HR.


Artificial Intelligence. AI recruitment tools. Machine learning. Conversational AI recruiting. Chatbots.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and AI recruitment tools are no longer just buzzwords in the realm of HR. Machine learning and chatbots, especially in the realm of conversational AI recruiting, are reshaping many industries, including HR.

While the possibilities of technology always felt like some distant future, there’s no denying that AI’s impact on recruiting within HR is evident now. Every day, technology touches and enhances our lives in ways we rarely even pause to think about. Machine learning recruitment tools, algorithms, apps, and digital automation continue to redefine how we shop, connect, bank, and more, including how HR departments operate.

It’s changed the ways we access customer services and the ways we can connect with our tribes across social platforms. In the age of COVID-19, AI-powered recruitment tools have even enabled ways of efficient remote working that few thought could be possible, proving to be a game-changer for HR professionals. AI in HR is not just about automating tasks; it’s about enhancing the human experience, making recruitment processes more efficient, and enabling a more connected and adaptive workforce.

Recruitment and Ai – We’ve only just begun

With the rise of automation and artificial intelligence (AI) across every industry sector, how AI is changing the game for recruiting is evident. AI recruitment tools are now rapidly reshaping the essential functions of hiring. These tools serve 3 key functions in the hiring process: sourcing, screening, and interviewing of candidates. Employing the latest advances in AI-powered recruitment, machine learning, and big data practices is delivering new efficiencies and better outcomes for businesses, recruiters, and candidates alike.

Text and chat interview automation with conversational AI recruiting

Conversational AI recruiting is a type of Ai that lets businesses have dynamic and meaningful conversations at scale with customers, staff, business partners and candidates.

Conversational Ai uses Natural Language Processing (NLP), a sub-field of Ai that’s focused on enabling computers to understand and process human languages. Through machine learning recruitment, it aims to get computers closer to a human level of understanding of language.

Conversational Ai uses NLP to discern meaning from both written and spoken word:

  • Voice-activated systems ­ – NLP is used in digital assistants you’re probably familiar with: Siri on iPhone, Google Home or Amazon Alexa, for example. These follow instructions to play music, to control connected devices throughout the home, find web-based information and resources and more. On an enterprise-level, you’ll be familiar with voice-driven customer service over the phone.
  • Text driven systems – online or on mobiles, chat text discerns meaning in the written word.


How conversational AI recruiting tools are changing the recruitment conversation

Sometimes referred to as chatbots or textbots, Ai-based conversational tools, part of the suite of AI recruitment tools, continue to evolve and be applied in new and extraordinary ways. Our own peer-reviewed research shows how personality traits can be accurately inferred from answers to standard interview questions captured via a text chat.

AI recruitment works best in high volume recruitment such as customer-facing retail or service team roles. Conversational AI recruiting can be helpful for profiling personalities in candidates or existing employees without the time and costs of conducting lengthy psychometric profiling.

Conversational Ai can be helpful for profiling personalities in candidates or existing employees without the time and costs of conducting lengthy psychometric profiling. Add video into the mix and machine learning can add additional layers of meaning through analysis of facial expressions and profiles, body language and more.

Video interviewing continues to divide opinion as many believe it allows for unconscious (or not so unconscious) bias to remain front and centre of the hiring process. In text-based  Ai interviews, many of the usual bias cues or triggers an be effectively eliminated at the candidate screening stage.

Automated interviews support remote working and remote hiring

In a post-COVID or COVID-normal economy, AI-powered recruitment tools will be pivotal. As more people compete for potentially fewer jobs, finding and engaging the best candidates will be even more challenging.
Ai-powered interviews can help recruiters cast their net wider to reach a bigger pool of candidates and find better-qualified candidates.

Mobile-first puts the power in candidates’ hands

People know text and are comfortable with text. So by providing a text chat-based mobile-first experience for candidates, improves the user experience and addresses communication challenges.

Chat-text provides an easier and less confronting interview process for many candidates.

Everyone has a story that’s bigger than their CV and Ai recruitment interviews give every candidate an opportunity to tell theirs. Candidates can choose when and where they complete their interview and standardised interview questions ensure a level playing field for all candidates.

Sapia’s text chat interview automation is blind screening at its best. We’ve removed possible factors that can influence human bias – no CVs, no socials, no videos, no facial recognition and no time limit.  It’s just the candidate and their text answers, providing a fairer and richer experience where candidates feel comfortable just being themselves.

Recommender systems – How AI recruitment tools support people making people decisions

One of the most well-known applications of Ai, data science and machine learning recruitment is Recommender systems or Recommender engines.

In hiring, Recommender Systems use predictive modelling to recommend the most-likely best matches of applicants for a role.

Recommender systems guide decision-making by using machine learning to analyse all the data available through the HR lifecycle. From job advertising and clicks, through interviewing and hiring, to employees’ job satisfaction and tenure, data can be analysed to reveal predictive patterns and insights.

Data can find connections that humans don’t, providing valuable insight into what an ideal candidate looks like or where you’re likely to find them.

Predictive intelligence draws a picture of your ideal candidate

Recommender systems can cut through the ‘noise’ by providing a shortlist of top-ranked candidates. This is without burning time, sorting and reviewing potentially hundreds or even thousands of applications. Predictive intelligence shares additional insights on candidates’ values, traits, personality and communication skills. It helps to simplify the selection and guide faster talent decisions.

Machine learning is not infallible. One important consideration is questioning whether the data being used in machine learning recruitment is not inherently biased. It’s always important to have real people making decisions about people.

Interviews – it’s not where you finish, it’s where you start

Reviewing CVs of all candidates can be the most time-consuming part of a recruiter’s job. Especially for large-scale briefs such as retail or customer service teams. In defining a shortlist of potential candidates to proceed to the interview stage it can be hard to differentiate between CVs. It’s also easy to make decisions that may be based on personal biases.

But what if you could start the hiring process with all the benefits of an interview process, without investing your time in them? And what if in the time it would take to properly review just a handful of CVs, thousands of candidates could be screened by interview?

With Ai recruitment tools you can.

Five top ways conversational Ai tools are changing the recruitment game

When it comes to recruiting and hiring, the ability to read the mood as well as the words is a game-changer in candidate assessment. Here are our top five benefits for your business:

1.Reducing time to hire, improving the quality of candidates with AI-powered recruitment.

Without even having to consider CVs upfront, an upfront screening interview reduces time to hire by providing a shortlist of candidates with the best fit to move forward.

Ai interview automation looks beyond the CV to assess the skills, traits and temperament of candidates. Based on past hires, Ai learns what a successful candidate for your business looks like and joins the dots to find others that match that profile.

Recruiters and hirers can save time reviewing and assessing CVs. With the ability to complete briefs faster, build teams sooner and achieve business metrics, you can be on to the next job sooner. Or free yourself to concentrate on what you do best: building relationships, delivering a better hiring experience or enhancing the onboarding process.

2. Reduce bias & build diversity

Ai-enabled interviewing helps reduce the effects of unconscious bias – the inherently human prejudices, personal preferences, beliefs and world-views that shape our assessment of others. Our biases can easily have a negative impact on candidates and mean you’re potentially missing out on the best candidates for the job. It can also mean employers are missing the opportunity to cultivate workplace diversity and all the benefits it delivers.

Diversity improves employee productivity, retention and happiness. Time and again, research shows that diversity – of background, gender, experience and more – improves employee productivity, tenure and job satisfaction. In 2020, global management consulting company McKinsey confirmed that “The most diverse companies are now more likely than ever to outperform non-diverse companies on profitability”.

3. Cut costs of every hire

Companies that have automated part of their candidate screening and interviewing are not only reaping the benefits of a more streamlined and stress-free process but report an immediate pay-off in time and efficiency savings.

Get your time back quickly and reallocate budgets towards higher-value investments and automation in other areas of recruiting.

Calculate your RoI on interview automation

Use Sapia’s free calculator to:

  • Calculate your costs of hiring
  • Calculate the costs of your annual turnover
  • See the financial benefits of using automation for hiring
  • Avoid unnecessary revenue losses

4. Increase the productivity of every recruiter and hirer

Everyone has one part of their job that they could do better if they had more time. Like managing stakeholders. Improving business partnership skills. Or networking to improve talent pools with a focus on those high-end and hard-to-fill roles. Whatever yours might be, interview automation can give you back time to focus on high-value tasks.

Reviewing CVs and managing interviews might not be the biggest challenge in your role, but they are likely to be the most time-consuming. Automate those upfront interviews using the tools and process of Ai recruitment and you can focus on the bigger picture of finding the best fit for every role and meeting every brief with confidence.

5. Give candidates a better experience

While this one’s last on our list of the benefits of Ai interview automation, it could equally be the most important.

Ever since job boards hit the market, recruiters have been inundated with candidate applications. While that’s been good news for potential employers as well as recruiters, it’s not so good for candidates.  Too often candidates make the effort to apply for a position, but then due to the sheer volume of applications they never hear a thing from the recruiter or hirer.  It’s called “ghosting” for obvious reasons.

Ghosting is not just a bad look, it can be bad for business. Candidates can easily share a negative experience on social media. They may also be less inclined to apply again or accept a job offer now or in the future.

With interview automation, you can turn every candidate engagement into an efficient, empowering and enjoyable experience.

About Sapia

Sapia’s award-winning interview automation offers a mobile-first, text chat interview.  At scale, it delivers an engaging and relatable, in-depth interview, followed up with personalised feedback for every candidate. Here’s how Ai automation provides a superior experience to a traditional interview process:

  • A familiar and accessible, mobile-first text experience
  • No confronting questions or videos
  • Candidates can be themselves, completing questions related to role attributes where and when it suits
  • Blind-screening at its best with no gender, age or ethnicity revealed
  • Candidates are motivated by personalised feedback, insights and coaching tips… and the opportunity to provide their feedback on the process

Find out more about Sapia’s Ai-powered recruitment tool and how we can support your recruitment needs today.

You can try out Sapia’s Chat Interview right now, or leave us your details to get a personalised demo


The AGC Debate: Are AI-Written Interview Answers a Red Flag or Smart Strategy?

Every day, we read stories of increased fake or AI-assisted applications. Tools like LazyApply are just one of many flooding the market, driving up applicant volumes to never-before-seen levels. 

As an overwhelmed hiring function, how do you find the needle in the haystack without using an army of recruiters to filter through the maze?

At, we help global enterprises do just that. Many of the world’s most trusted brands, such as Qantas Group, have relied on our hiring platform as a co-pilot for better hiring since 2020. 

Our Chat Interview has given millions of candidates a voice they wouldn’t have had – enabling them to share in their own words why they’re the best fit for the role. To find the people who belong with their brands, our customers must trust that their candidates represent themselves. Thus, they want to trust that our AI is analysing real human answers—not answers from a machine.  

The Rise of GPT 

When ChatGPT went viral in November 2022, we immediately adopted a defensive strategy. We had long been flagging plagiarised candidate responses, but then, we needed to act fast to flag responses using artificially generated content (‘AGC’). 

Many companies were in the same position, but was the only company with a large proprietary data set of interview answers that pre-dated GPT and similar tools: 2.5 billion words written by real humans. 

That data enabled us to build a world-first:- an LLM-based AGC detector for text-based interviews, recently upgraded to v2.0 with 99% accuracy and a false positive rate of 1%. An NLP classification model built on proprietary data that operates across all chat interviews.

Full Transparency with Candidates

Because we value candidate trust as much as customer trust, we wanted to be transparent with candidates about our ability to detect artificially generated content (AGC). As an LLM, we could identify AGC in real time and warn candidates that we had detected it. 

This has had a powerful impact on candidate behaviour. Since our AGC detector went live, we have seen that the real-time flagging acts as a real-time disincentive to use tools like ChatGPT to generate interview responses. 

The detector generates a warning if 3 or more answers are flagged as having artificially generated content. The Chat Interview uses 5 open-ended interview questions for volume hiring roles, such as retail, contact centre, and customer service, and 6 questions for professional roles, such as engineers, data scientists, graduates, etc.

Let’s Take a Closer Look at the Data… 

We see that using our AGC detector LLM to communicate live with candidates in the interview flow when artificial content has been detected has a positive effect on deterring candidates from using AI tools to generate their answers. 

The rate of AGC use declines from 1 question flagged to 5 questions – raising the flag on one question is generally enough to deter candidates from trying again. 

The graph below shows the number of candidates, from a total of almost 2.7m, that used artificially generated content in their answers.  

Differences in AGC Usage Rate by Groups 

We see no meaningful differences in candidate behaviour based on the job they are applying for or based on geography.

However, we have found differences by gender and ethnicity – for example, men use artificially generated content more than women. The graph below shows the overall completion ratios by gender – for all interviews on the left and for interviews where the number of questions with AGC detected is 5 or more on the right. 

Perception of Artificially Generated Content by Hirers. 

We’re curious to understand how hirers perceive the use of these tools to assist candidates in a written interview. The creation of the detector was based on the majority of customers wanting transparency & explainability around the use of these tools by candidates, often because they want to ensure that candidates are using their own words to complete their interviews and they want to avoid wasting time progressing candidates who are not as capable as their chat interview suggests.  

However, some of our customers feel that it’s a positive reflection of the candidate, showing that they are using the tools available to them to put their best foot forward. 

It’s a mix of perspectives. 

Our detector labels it as the use of artificially generated content. It’s up to our customers how they use that information in their decision-making processes. 

This concept of having a human in the loop is one of the key dimensions of ethical AI, and we ensure that it is used in every AI-related hiring product we build. 

Interested in the science behind it all? Download our published research on developing the AGC detector 👇

Research Paper Download: AI Generated Content in Online Text-based Structured Interviews

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Joe & the Juice Partners with, Scaling an Exceptional Candidate Experience and Cutting Time to Hire

Read the full press release about the partnership here.

Joe & the Juice, the trailblazing global juice bar and coffee concept, is renowned for its vibrant culture and commitment to cultivating talent. With humble roots from one store in Copenhagen, now with a presence in 17 markets, Joe & The Juice has built a culture that fosters growth and celebrates individuality.

But, as their footprint expands, so does the challenge of finding and hiring the right talent to embody their unique culture. With over 300,000 applications annually, the traditional hiring process using CVs was falling short – leaving candidates waiting and creating inefficiencies for the recruitment team. To address this, Joe & The Juice turned to, a pioneer in ethical AI hiring solutions.

A Fresh Approach to Hiring

Through this partnership, Joe & The Juice has transformed its hiring process into an inclusive, efficient, and brand-aligned experience. Instead of faceless CVs, candidates now engage in an innovative chat-based interview that reflects the brand’s energy and ethos. Available in multiple languages, the AI-driven interview screens for alignment with the “Juicer DNA” and the brand’s core values, ensuring that every candidate feels seen and valued.

Candidates receive an engaging and fair interview experience as well as personality insights and coaching tips as part of their journey. In fact, 93% of candidates have found these insights useful, helping to deliver a world-class experience to candidates who are also potential guests of the brand.

“Every candidate interaction reflects our brand,” Sebastian Jeppesen, Global Head of Recruitment, shared. “ makes our recruitment process fair, enriching, and culture-driven.”

Results That Matter

For Joe & The Juice, the collaboration has yielded impressive results:

  • 33% Reduction in Screening Time: Pre-vetted shortlists from’s platform ensure that recruiters can focus on top candidates, getting them behind the bar faster.

  • Improved Candidate Satisfaction: With a 9/10 satisfaction score from over 55,000 interviews, candidates appreciate the fairness and transparency of the process.

  • Bias-Free Hiring: By eliminating CVs and integrating blind AI that prioritizes fairness, Joe & The Juice ensures their hiring reflects the diverse communities they serve.

Frederik Rosenstand, Group Director of People & Development at Joe & The Juice, highlighted the transformative impact: “Our juicers are our future leaders, so using ethical AI to find the people who belong at Joe is critical to our long-term success. And now we do that with a fair, unbiased experience that aligns directly with our brand.”

Trailblazing for the hospitality industry

In an industry so wholly centred on people, Joe & the Juice is paving the way for similar brands to adopt technology that enables inclusive, human-first experiences that can reflect a brand’s core values. 

If you’re curious about how can transform your hiring process, check out our full case study on Joe & The Juice here.


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Blog Wrapped 2024

It’s been a year of Big Moves at From welcoming groundbreaking brands to achieving incredible milestones in our product innovation and scale, we’re pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in hiring.

And we’re just getting started 🚀

Take a look at the highlights of 2024 

All-in-one hiring platform
This year, with the addition of Live Interview, we’re proud to say our platform now covers screening, assessing and scheduling.
It’s an all-in-one volume hiring platform that enables our customers to deliver a world-leading experience from application through to offer.

Supercharging hiring efficiency
Every 15 seconds, a candidate is interviewed with
This year, we’ve saved hiring managers and recruiters hours of precious time that can now be used for higher-value tasks. 

See why our users love us 

Giving candidates the best experience
Our platform allows candidates to be their best selves, so our customers can find the people that truly belong with them. They’re proud to use a technology that’s changing hiring, for good.

Share the candidate love

Leading the way in AI for hiring 

We’ve continued to push the boundaries in leveraging ethical AI for hiring, with new products on the way for Coaching, Internal Mobility & Interview Builders. 

Join us in celebrating an incredible 2024

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