True hiring efficiency requires speed, quality, and accuracy. With, you get all three 👇
We automatically assess and rank every candidate for you, through a chat-based interview that candidates love. You review the shortlist, interview, and hire. Our customers win the talent race, every time.
By manually screening CVs, great candidates are being overlooked. True efficiency lies in assessing the whole pool. With, you’ll assess the potential in every single candidate, so you’re more likely to hire the best.
Inaccurate hiring decisions, no matter how fast, create an additional cost in re-hiring when people leave early. Companies using hire people who stay longer, improving their overall hiring efficiency. Holland & Barrett saw a 30% reduction in their early churn rate after the first year of using
We’re for brands who need to find the people who belong with them, fast. If you’re tired of sifting and sorting applications to find the right candidates, schedule a 30 min consultation with our team. We’ll identify exactly where your hiring process needs to change, and share how will deliver a shortlist of the top candidates, fast.
“We can’t go back to life before
We used to spend half of our day reading resumes!”
Paulina Mroz, Talent Acquisition Lead, Starbucks Australia